With over 400 pictures from the period 1979-2018.
With over 400 pictures from the period 1979-2018, the exhibition A "Certain Strangeness" is the first retrospective of the photographic work of British photographer and guitar legend Andy Summers. The geographical locations of the shots range from the Alto Plano in Bolivia to the alleyways of the Golden Gai in Tokyo. Besides showing a preference for night-time photos, his work is characterized by a sense of intimacy and surrealism, and dynamics that can best be described as 'in media res'.
Part of the exhibition comprises a series of photos taken by Summers during his tours with The Police. This series called "Let's Get Weird" will also be shown in the Bonnefanten Pinkpop-up Museum at Pinkpop, from 8 until 10 June 2019.

Since 1979, the year that The Police gave a legendary performance at Pinkpop, Summers has also been a fanatic photographer. He has published four books: Throb (1983), Light Strings (2004), I'll be Watching You (2007) and Desirer Walks the Street (2009). In 2012, he made the film Can't stand losing you, based on his autobiography of the same name, in which an important role is played by his photography practice. Summers says that his photographs may be influenced by his interest in music and that photography forms a visual counterpart to the music constantly playing in his mind. Just as his musical preference can be described as a taste for the melancholic, the convulsive melodic line, the dark chord with a few stray notes added, in his visual practice, too, he is drawn towards photographing in a brooding minor key.