In the exhibition Bumped Body by Paloma Varga Weisz (Mannheim, Germany, 1966), we're being submerged in a new world.

- Lucette ter Borg, NRC 2019

“Work by Paloma Varga Weisz was unseen in the Netherlands. Which is unbelievable when you see the rich work, that is now presented in the Bonnefantenmuseum.”

Paloma Varga Weisz

Paloma Varga Weisz, Bumped Body
06/10/2019 – 02/02/2020

In the exhibition Bumped Body by Paloma Varga Weisz (Mannheim, Germany, 1966), we're being submerged in a new world. Bodies, whether male or female, have no fixed shape in this Alice-in-Wonderland universe.

In Wilde Leute (1998), that is publicly on view for the first time in the Bonnefanten, the small terracotta figures represent curious creatures; androgynous people with animal ears. The work from 1998 shows that even in the early days of her practice Varga Weisz was trying to distance herself from identities and role patterns. In her work, she easily switches between woodcarving and ceramics, drawings and watercolours, theatrical environments, and film and sound works. With these disciplines and media she raises an enchanting world in the exhibition, where peculiar creatures set the tone.

Wilde Leute, 1998, Paloma Varga Weisz, Photo Stefan Hostettler VG-Bildkunst, Courtesy the artist


The symbolic universe of Paloma Varga Weisz is based on her personal life and experiences in a domestic, family situation. Her work raises questions about identity and feminism, such as historical stereotyping and objectification of the female body, creativity and motherhood.

In addition, Varga Weisz creates new female symbols on universal themes. Her work is filled with echoes of the artistic and cultural history of the Maas-Rhine Euroregion. Its material, cultural-historical and iconographic traditions are reflected in her choice of materials and craftsmanship, symbolic visual idiom and existential themes.


Paloma Varga Weisz, Bumped Body

In the exhibition Bumped Body by Paloma Varga Weisz (Mannheim, Germany, 1966), we're being submerged in a new world.


The exhibition is accompanied by an artist's book entitled Bumped Body. The book is available at the Bonnefantenmuseum and comes with an exclusive essay by senior curator of contemporary art, Paula van den Bosch. ISBN 9789072251824.


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